We test and compare coasting cosmological models with curvature parameters k={−1,0,+1} in H20c−2 units and the flat ΛCDM model by fitting them to cosmic chronometers (CC), the Pantheon+ sample of type Ia supernovae (SNe), and standardized quasars (QSOs). We used the emcee code for fitting CC data, a custom Markov Chain Monte Carlo implementation for SNe and QSOs, and Anderson-Darling tests for normality on normalized residuals for model comparison. Best-fit parameters are presented, constrained by data within redshift ranges z≤2 for CCs, z≤2.3 for SNe, and z≤7.54 for QSOs. Coasting models, particularly the flat coasting model, are generally favored over the flat ΛCDM model. The overfitting of the flat ΛCDM model to Pantheon+ SNe and the large intrinsic scatter in QSO data suggest a need to refine error estimates in these datasets. We also highlight the seemingly fine-tuned nature of either the CC data or Ωm,0 in the flat ΛCDM model to an H1=H0 coincidence when fitting H(z)=H1z+H0, a natural feature of coasting models.